陈穹, 郑穗生, 王钢, 汪茂文.胰腺实性假乳头状瘤与无功能神经内分泌肿瘤的MSCT鉴别诊断[J].放射学实践,2014,(07):818-822
Differential diagnosis of solid psuedopapillary tumor and non functional neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas with MSCT
DOI:10.13609/j.cnki.1000 0313.2014.07.021
中文关键词: 胰腺肿瘤  体层摄影术,X线计算机  诊断,鉴别
陈穹, 郑穗生, 王钢, 汪茂文 安徽医科大学附属第二人民医院放射科 
摘要点击次数: 15958
全文下载次数: 8208
      【Abstract】Objective:To study the value of MSCT in the differential diagnosis of solid-psuedopapillary tumor and non-functional neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas.Methods:A retrospective analysis of pathology proved solid-psuedopapillary tumor and neuroendocrine tumor (16 patients for each) in the period of 2008-2013 was performed.All had CT plain scan and dual phase (arterial and portal venous) contrast enhancement.The location,density,boundary,calcification,peak of enhancement,ductal dilatation of tumor and existence of distant metastasis were analyzed.Results:Of the 16 solid psuedopapillary tumors,the location of tumor were head (8 cases),body (4 cases) and tail (4 cases) of pancreas respectively;6 cases were solid lesions,9 cases were cystic solid,1 case was cystic;9 cases had calcification;13 cases had clear boundary,3 cases without or had blurred boundary;3 cases had ductal dilatation.The peak of enhancement were showed at portal venous phase,no distant metastasis was found.Of the 16 non functional neuroendocrine tumors,the location were head (9 cases),body (3 cases) and tail (4 cases) of pancreas respectively;7 cases showed solid lesion,8 cases were cystic solid,one case was cystic;4 cases had calcification;11 cases had clear boundary,5 cases had ill defined boundary;6 cases had ductal dilatation.The peak of enhancement was showed at arterial phases in 9 cases,portal venous phase in 7 cases;3 cases had distant metastasis.The peak of enhancement showed significant statistical difference between these two types of tumor (P<0.05).No statistical difference could be assessed in tumor location,density,presence of calcification,boundary,ductal dilatation and presence of distant metastasis between these two tumors (P>0.05).Conclusion:Dynamic enhanced CT of pancreas is helpful in the differential diagnosis of solid psuedopapillary tumor and non-functional neuroendocrine tumor.The peak of enhancement in arterial phase was helpful in the diagnosis of non-functional neuroendocrine tumor,however,in solid psuedopapillary tumor,the enhancement peak was all in portal venous phase.Presence of distant metastasis tends to be helpful in the diagnosis of non functional neuroendocrine tumor.
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